I am now in Gyeongju. On the coast. Be sure and read on about my living conditions in Seoul in the post below.
First off, they took us to the Korean Culinary Institute and I am now a trained Korean Chef.
Then I met two Korean Princess’. Don’t tell Mrs. Bundy! 🙂 As you can see, the nice little girl in the middle was quite taken by the nice American visitors. However, her little friend to the right does not seem to be quite as enamored with the Americans and their cameras.
Just a random street scene in the city. Needless to say, I have no idea what any of the signs say. It is like everything is in a different language!
How is the weather? Is the food different there than in Seoul? What did you make when you were taught how to cook Korean style? Have you had any problems with Korean police? What are the public shopping places like? i.e. mall, supermarket … someone wants a Korean action figure (Corbett)*
You may notice that I have my baseball jacket on in the early pictures. It was pretty cold at first. The food is different. I want to go to McDonald’s for a Kimchee burger. I have not gotten used to octopus and squid at meals.
My police interaction has been somewhat limited. I feel that is for the best.
I went to a really cool Korean Department store. I almost bought a Korean Power rangers toy, but figured I could get one in Seoul. I did get a really cool map of Korea in korean. The food section was the best. I will post pictures.
Are the children in the matching school outfits required to wear those clothes or is it a private school? Were you close to a school or were the children on a field trip? Have you been to any sporting events? Have you watched any television there, any major differences of what they show? Do they drive on the right or left side of the road? Good morning by the way 🙂
The students wear uniforms to public schools. I vote orange shirts and black slacks for our high school. They have a tremendous “field trip” budget in this country. They take these kids on over night field trips. There are special “pupil” hotels in some areas with lots of student trips! 6th Hour can’t go on our field trip to Korea.
I watch a little TV at night. The big difference is that everything is in KOREAN! I do like to watch Korean baseball league on TV at night. I cant understand the announcers, but the rest is pretty cool. Trying to get the leaders to drop a museum on Saturday and go to a game…they are not budging yet.